Get Out of the Boot and
Back Into Life with
Hurt Foot Fitness
Hurt Foot Fitness is for Anyone Who Wants To...

Find safe ways to exercise, maintain a healthy weight, shape lean muscles, and have more energy.

Feel confident, independent, and powerful. Have a winner's mindset to kick injury challenges in the butt.

Accelerate your body's ability to repair, restore, and come back stronger with all the resources you need to succeed.
I am a certified Health And Fitness Coach who specializes in teaching people safe, effective, uplifting exercise. Within my site youll find a large variety of video content to keep you fit and positive no matter what physical challenges you face. I am known for being the go-to source for injury friendly fitness.
I created Hurt Foot Fitness when I had a foot injury and couldnt attend the gym trips, fancy classes or long workouts.
I wanted workouts that felt good. I wanted routines that were safe for different stages of healing.
I wanted home workout videos I could do that were effective, uplifting and enjoyable.
Hurt Foot Fitness is what I wish I had available years ago and I’m so happy to offer it to you now.
What is Hurt Foot Fitness?
This program is designed to help you move out of pain and back into active living. At Hurt Foot Fitness, you will transform out of injury into a stronger person with my results-driven injury recovery action plan. It is my mission to keep you fit, positive, and moving forward in healing. Together we will design your strong comeback success.

When you join Hurt Foot Fitness, you get:
- Unlimited access to Caroline’s entire collection of hurt foot workout videos and exercise instructionals.
- Variety of workout types, including Pilates, weight training, stretching, injury prevention, seated cardio, and more!
- Workouts range in length, so you can find something in the time you have available.
- Workouts can be done anywhere and at anytime.
- Weekly workout schedule with suggested exercise videos for each day so you don’t have to decide on your own what workout you should do.
- Inspiration, motivation, and community to ensure you feel supported and encouraged!
- All of your strength, Pilates, cardio, HIIT, and stretching workouts in one place. You don’t need memberships to four different studios and gyms!
Affordable and convenient.
Hurt Foot Fitness costs less than two 1-hour private sessions with Caroline.
Hi Caroline, I needed to go out of my way to thank you for providing the Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program. I’m a triathlete, half-marathon runner, cross country skier, basketball player, and (aspiring) weightlifter. Having a broken foot really upends my lifestyle in every way possible. My recovery journey has been so much more fun and uplifting thanks to your Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program. I’m stronger because of it. Keep up the good work.
– Bob Mayer, Wisconsin
Hi, Caroline! I just wanted to say thank you, really! I sprained my ankle for the first time in life, 5 months ago and it was horrible! It happened after training and I was so depressed about it and felt so helpless not able to move for almost 2 weeks and then having pain and not training at all. I was so happy to find your Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program and the content has been so helpful ! Thank you for your coaching, positive energy, and help in such hard time. You rock! Keep on your great work! Looking forward to using this coaching program even after I heal! Love and gratitude.
– Trisha, Denmark
Caroline, I just want to thank you SO much for your Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program, AWESOME attitude, and positive energy!! I have really been lifted up by your coaching and website. Seriously, it is a hard thing to recover from an injury and have my usual cardio addiction at a standstill. Your Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program was my turning point from feeling completely depressed and victimized by my injury–to feeling optimistic and empowered that there IS something I can do to stay fit and positive. Your quote, “The only disability is a bad attitude” is like my new life motto!! I can tell I’m healing faster through your Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program too. Thank you so much for your amazing work!! It’s making a huge difference for me!
– Elsie Madison, California
Healing from an injury can feel lonely.... but it doesn't have to be.
Hurt Foot Fitness is here to guide you in turning a challenging injury into a positive growing experience that strengthens your body and mind.
We will cheer you on to the healing finish line.
Stay Fit, Stay Positive, Heal Faster.
With Hurt Foot Fitness you WILL come back stronger.
Hurt Foot Fitness Includes:
- Unlimited access to Caroline’s entire collection of workout videos and exercise instructionals.
- Variety of workout types, including Pilates, weight training, stretching, injury prevention, seated cardio, and more!
- Workouts range in length, so you can find something in the time you have available.
- Workouts can be done anywhere and at anytime.
- Weekly workout schedule with suggested exercises for each day so you don’t have to decide on your own what workout you should do.
- Inspiration, motivation, and community to ensure you feel supported and encouraged!
- All of your strength, Pilates, cardio, HIIT and stretching workouts in one place. You don’t need memberships to four different studios and gyms!
Hurt Foot Fitness costs less than two
1-hour private sessions with Caroline.